Current total: 830.5 at 132 lb BW - Florida State and National Record Holder in Junior and Open Women's Raw division

Qualified National Strongman competitor and will be competing in Nationals this coming October to qualify for The Arnold in 2016

I am here to live, learn, and pass on.

Training is still out of whack but once events are posted for Nationals it will be more structured. Looking back at Saturdays training, when I got stapled on the log press, my sticking point was right at nose level. Overhead pin presses, one of many strength based movements, can help with sticking points and build your main lifts.

Clint Darden gave some really good cues for when you do hit or are near a sticking point: "spread the floor" with the blades of your feet to get your hips and hams into the press.

Here, I worked up to a heavy triple for 6 sets. Initially I used the belt but, again, I am trying not to rely too much on it and I actually felt better pressing without it.


"Circus" DB Presses

These I made up for Saturday. Mike had me warm up for a few sets of triples to get comfortable with the implement since we haven't done these in a while.  This event was in the Strongman competition I qualified for Nationals, and the 65lb dumbbell is something I struggled to get, so I was pretty content that I could get it up fairly easy.

Technique wise, elbow high to the side is typically used, but I feel more comfortable with my elbow slightly lower to the front. I know eventually this will be an issue when I press with heavier weight.

2 x 45 second max reps

1 (45 seconds) x 65lbs, 1 (45 seconds) x  55lbs



Finished off with:

Close grip bench press - 4 x 8 (115lbs)

Band push downs x 100