Wednesday 1pm
I'm 15 hours without food, another 21 hours to go. I got boned (pun intended) on my colonoscopy timing so I have a little extra time without food.
I tried to train upper body a little bit last night and I'm not quite sure how it went. I have no soreness in my shoulder today. So did I train hard enough?
But I did train a couple movements to fatigue. So that had to be enough, right?
In my head there are three gradations of people when it comes to training with an injury. I say gradations because within each type you always have different degrees of fear...
Type 1- No fear. Fuck it. This lifter doesn't give their injury any consideration. They will train until they literally can't anymore. These guys typically don't last, and worse yet stop making progress because of their injury before being forced to quit.
Type 2- Healthy fear. Assess the injury and execute a plan to train however and whenever they can so as not to re-injure themselves. Everyone should strive to fall in this category in my humble opinion.
Type 3- Scared shitless.. This lifter takes time away from training because they're scared to re-injure themselves. And when they start training again, they all together avoid anything that could potentially hurt them. Eventually they either quit and become the "I could have" guys.
Keep in mind every injury and every situation is different. I've taken six weeks off from the gym a couple times in my career and it was the best decision I ever made. And some injuries, especially those requiring surgery, force you away from the gym.
But some people passively start rehab and go through the motions. Others attack rehab like training and, if done properly, get back FAST.
I realized last night that I have some information overload going on. Paralysis by analysis, if you will. I want to give my rotator cuff the time and space to heal. But I also want to nudge it along with the proper rehab.
I'm so concerned about doing A) the perfect rehab exercises and B) with perfect technique that I'm preventing myself from doing anything, or doing enough I should say.
I have it written down. I'll do it. I'll film it. I'll send it to professionals. And I'll inevitably fuck some shit up. But I'll get it worked out.