Currently Testing Raw Lifts Before Starting Program Next Week
Yesterday I worked up with some pause singles on bench - I didn't go till failure but wanted to get an idea of where to base my numbers off of for the upcoming weeks. I got to 335lbs and then stopped there because I was pressing a little uneven because of my wrist injury (and it was moving pretty slow). My bench is really weak right now, but I'm confident once I get more raw work in again that things will go back up quickly.
*500 meters on rower
*3 sets of mace swings with ShouldeRok
*Couple short trips back and forth of:
a. Toe touch to leg swings
b. Lunges
c. Hip flexor stretch/Spiderman crawl
Strength Work:
A1*. Med Ball Throws - 3x5
A2*. Chin Ups - 3x6
B. Bench Press - up to 335x1
C. Kroc Rows - 3x20 w/ 100lb dumbbells (the heaviest we have, so trying to increase reps every week)
D. Shoulder Side Lateral Machine - 3x12
E. Tricep Cable Pushdowns - 4x18
F. Hammer Curls - 3x12
*4,000 meters on rower tomorrow
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