On this particular day I was able to harness my nerves, mental focus, and put it together for one of the best deadlifting sessions of my life. After each lift I quickly focused on lower my heart rate, taking my attention off the lift I just did and fight to keep it away from what I have to do next. I fought very hard to keep that suppressed till I began chalking up, this aspect of competing has always inhibited me from "turning it on" for my attempt on the platform.
Everything was right today, now I have mentioned this to many people concerning deadlifting. Doing a max effort lift in this movement, by itself, on its own day does not necessarily mean anything come meet day. You are nearly drained by the time you take your 9th attempt (3rd deadlift) potentially at the end of a loooooooong day. The variables I performed this training sessions were optimal so I am hoping to be around + or - 5% of this left come met day. Bottom line, anything around or over 680, Im a happy camper!
Deadlift 2x1: 675, 695