As I mentioned in my meet write up, I am taking some time off, not walking away from the gym- just the big three. I plan on dropping some body weight which is more comfortable than gaining it especially after redlining for a meet.

I plan to get back to being a little more athletic, I'm not talking football shape, but running, jumping, biking, and possibly implementing some strongman tools in my training.

The ultimate goal is to sit around 350-ish and build on that strength wise and also conditioning. I've done this post meet the last two times; I like creating a substantial work capacity before enduring another run at a meet.

A take away from the Arnold is that the white trash bloat method of ramen and Gatorade worked wonders for the squat and bench, but left my hands a bloated mess for pulls- this has to be corrected. So we will work on keeping diet in check during offseason and get things dialed in so when it comes time to ramp it up we can put the weight on over time and hopefully prevent the stay puff marshmallow hands.

I'll be focusing on more non-traditional movements such as med ball throws, sandbags, weighted pushups, and many other changes away from the big three.

So follow along, maybe you will learn something, perhaps you won't, but you won't know unless you check in.