Week 1 of 4-Week Block of Training with no Barbell Post-Meet

Since I'm using a 3-days on, 1-day off split for training over these 4 weeks; I'm going to post twice per week and list all 3 days from my split (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, Legs, Back/Biceps) so that way you can get a bigger picture perspective on what a training week looks like. My next log I'll also go into how I adjust things for the second half of the week and an update on a few other training items like my sleep and pec/bicep progress from my work with Dani Overcash. Here is the second half of week 1's training post-meet:

Wednesday: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

A. ShouldeRok Swings - 3x12 each side

B. Machine Chest Flyes - 3x12 (slow eccentric, hold contraction)

C. Machine Chest Press (unilateral handles) - 4 sets: 15/12/10/8

D. Dips - 2 sets to failure


E. Seated Dumbbell Laterals - 3x12

F. Rear Delt Dumbbell Laterals (leaning forward on bench) - 3x20

G. Machine Shoulder Press (unilateral handles) - 3x8

H. Triangle Bar Attachment Tricep Pushdowns - 3 sets: 15/12/10

I. Overhead Rope Tricep Extensions - 3x15 to failure

Thursday: Legs

A. Lying Leg Curls - 4 sets: 15/12/10/8 then cut weight in half and do 20 rep drop set (hold contractions)

B. Adductor Machine - 4x15

C. Leg Press - 3 Sets: first set to 20 reps, then 2 more to failure

Leg Press 1

D. Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats w/ Kettlebells - 4x12 each leg

E. Ab Wheel - 3x12

Friday: Back/Biceps

A. ShouldeRok Swings - 2x10 each side

B. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 4x15, hold contraction.

C. Bent Over Barbell Row (dead stop/pendlay rows): 4x10

D. Dumbbell Shrugs: 3x12 squeeze every rep at top for 3 seconds

E. GHR Deadlifts: 3x10

F. Cross Arm Hammer Curls: 3x10

G. Supination Curls: 3x10

H. Machine Curls - 2x8 then cut weight in half for drop set of 20

machine curls

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