Week 1 of 4-Week Block of Training with no Barbell Post-Meet
The 3rd day in my '3 days on, 1 day off' split is Back and Biceps - The focus with all of these days is to focus on feeling the muscle and not worrying about the weight. These workouts have been tough and I've already been really sore, but it's been nice getting through workouts quickly and getting a break from a heavy barbell for a few weeks..
A. ShouldeRok Swings - 2x10 each side
B. Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 4x15, hold contraction.
C. One-Arm Dead Stop Dumbbell Row: 4x10 each side
D. Dumbbell Shrugs: 3x12 squeeze every rep at top for 3 seconds
E. GHR Deadlifts: 3x10
F. Cross Arm Hammer Curls w/ Fat Gripz: 3x10
G. Supination Curls: 3x10
H. Machine Curls - 2x8 then cut weight in half for drop set of 20
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