Tonight I reset the rdls and starting doing them put of the rack as pulls from the top. I love these and the time under tension is long. I realized tonight how great my DL slippers are for the DL and how they aren't that great for kicking a board out of the way. Rule number one for DL slippers..... Never forget they aren't shoes. Lesson learned.
Rdl pulls from the top
245 for 4
336 for 3
425 for 3
515 for 3
605 for 3
Video of 605x3 pulls from the top
I am going to make 30-40lb jumps up to 710 over next 3-4 weeks.
425 for 3x10
glut ham raises
wide stance gms on toes for low back emphasis.
3 x10
feeling good and healthy. I wanted to squat tonight but I'm sticking to my rehab plan.