I am two weeks between training cycles. I have picked out my meet and then planned the four week mesocycles backwards from there. So I have two weeks in no man's land. Down time is bad time for me. I start thinking and that is never good. Suddenly I guess I needed to undo all of the progress I have made and switch from incline to overhead.
A couple of sets in and I hear the doorbell ring. It was a young save the earth kid coming around to stop the pollution of the Long Island Sound. I enjoy the Sound and spend a lot of time there, plus the kid had a good pitch so I grabbed a check. I have actually written three letters to senators and the governor since the afternoon visit. Figured it couldn't hurt. Anyway, I got pretty cold by the time I went back down to the basement. Suddenly ohp did not look like a good idea anymore. There was a reason I stopped doing them way back. They were too much on my shoulders coupled with the concentration on my bench training.
I then decided I'd set the rack up for some steep inclines. This was a horrendous setup with my monohooks. I basically had to stand up in the incline versus sitting there to get the weight out of the rack. My bench can't get far enough back due to the setup. I was going close grip with the shoulder saver. I worked up to 365 for six and realized I must be losing it. There's no need for this nonsense. It was precarious at best.
You see the difference between the steeper incline and the incline I usually use was probably only around 15 degrees. Yeah, that's not going to make any difference in my bench. Plus the lower incline setup works perfect with my rack and hooks. This is a prime example of paralysis through analysis.
After a little time to reflect, I remember talking to Jess before leaving my last meet. I told her I'm sure there would be a time when I wanted to change things up and how stupid that would be. Sure enough, it happened. Luckily save the sound kid came by and gave me time to pause. Perhaps a little divine intervention. Smartly, I will be returning to my regular routine.
I know you all think I know what I'm doing, but I'm probably a bigger danger to myself than any of you are. I need a meeting.