Deadlifting and squatting are two areas I usually hold my own in some way shape or form. The transition from one block to another for me is always rough as my body goes through a freaking shock and struggles. I was pleasantly Suprised today as everything went pretty well, although there was an immense amount of strain my body went through. I did not get hurt, I was wrecked afterward, and my back has not gotten good work like this in forever. My last heavy deadlift was at my meet roughly two months ago so pulling in the mid 500's was a feel-good moment for me. The set of 20 that was prescribed after, not so good, those made me feel like my heart was goign to leave my body.
Day 3 – Deadlifts/Back
Pullups – 3x8: BE
Conventional deads – work up in sets of 5 til heavy, then lighten load and do 10, then lighten load significantly and do 20: 455 - 315
Seated cable rows – 3x8, squeeze each for 2 seconds ?
Single arm row on chest supported (elbow out) – 3x12 each: 10,20,20
Seated DB rounded GM – 3x12: 50