It has been a successful month on upper days getting my chest to activate and isolate while doing accessory movements. This is the first time I can recall actually feeling that muscle group active DURING the movement, would you like to know what the trick was for me? Simple, I had Julia literally tap, pinch, and grab the area I wanted to be active. When it comes to isolation movements I have to regress my training all the way down to basic palpation tactics to feel proprioception, in normal English, TO FEEL THE DAMN MUSCLE CONTRACTING I JUST HAD SOMEONE HIT THE AREA. This is one of the best parts of one on one coaching, being able to palpate (tap) repeatedly to get an individual to fire the area desired.
Slight incline bench – 2x8 w/ 5 second lowering: 80, 2xAMAP: 85
Floor press – work up to 3x6 with slight pause: 255,275,275.
Hanging KB banded bench – 3x10: FB+25
Incline facing laterals – 4x12: 20
Seated DB clean and press – 3x12: 10
Bent over rear flyes – 4x15: 15