People ask almost daily where I train at? Or where do you workout at? My answer: everywhere, I train many places. Throughout the week it is Westside Barrell, Powershack Fitness, and the YMCA. Weekends I don't work at the hospital I make it out to Elitefts. So yes, everywhere. My day to day regimen leads to me to where ever I'm closest to. And twice a week I do small training sessions at my home. I work on mobility and flexibility almost every night before bed. Its constant and always happening.
Lower volume training:
- Power squat 5x20 (band around the knees to push out on)
- Cable leg curl and glute raise 3x15
- Kettle bell swings 3x30
- Leg extensions 3x30
- 100 continuous walking lunges
Cardio 10min stepmill/10 min bike
Abs 4x50 crunches