Powerful Class

Warm up:

Banded face pull to press x Mixed band pull apart x spider taps (3 up/side/down) 3 x 8


OH Strict Presses 4 x 6 (75lbs)

Z-Presses with KB (holding the handle up - stability) 3 x 8

BB inverted row x 12 superset push-ups (paused) x 5 - 4 rounds

Banded flies x 15 super set banded row paused x 10 - 3 rounds

I was experiencing discomfort again on my right shoulder. Ryan showed me a mobility movement right before booty pump. After talking a bit, he's going to give me a few things to try to relieve some of the discomfort. Stay tuned.



Booty Pump

warm up:

Good mornings x BW squats (3 sec hold) with hip circle slingshot


Fatbell RDL's 3 partials (ankles to knees) + 1 full (ROM) - 4 x 10-12

Heavy Russian swings x high step ups 3 x 8 each

Banded kickbacks 1 x 20, 2 x 10 - I surprisingly sucked at these and felt the movement all in my lower back. Rachel did an awesome job correcting my form. Key cue is to elongate arms and legs while squeezing glute at the top.



