I've been pretty MIA lately because I've been preparing to take the MA bar exam (in ~2 weeks). It's been about ~10 weeks of an average of ~8 hours of studying each day (some days more, some days less depending on other obligations).

During bar prep I've also been part time at my position at InnerCity Weightlifting (where I'll be working full time after the Bar exam), working in a limited capacity-- trying to do the most that I can with the little that I currently have (in terms of time and mental/emotional capacity). My team at work has been incredibly supportive, and despite the time constraints-- going to work each morning actually motivates me to go on and continue studying for the rest of the day. It reminds me why I'm putting myself through all this, why the bar exam (despite it being a tedious obstacle) is something I should feel appreciative of. Rather than viewing it as something I "have to do", I've been trying to reframe the situation-- seeing it as something I want to do.

Nobody is forcing me to take this test, and if I didn't take this test-- no serious consequences would come of it. I'd still have my family, friends, health, education, etc. I'm taking this test because I want to-- because it is going to help me continue down the path that I am choosing to pursue.

Using this perspective to see this obstacle as a choice, rather than something being "thrust upon me" not only facilitates a sense of empowerment-- but I feel "happier" about doing "miserable" tasks.

Basically, I'm becoming the ultimate "spin-master". Throw anything at me, and I'll find a way to flip and spin it so that I see the good. This isn't to say I'm suppressing or stifling any negative feelings that arise. Rather-- I'm acknowledging them, and simply choosing to let them go. They don't do me or anyone around me any good-- so why hold onto them? I can't always control what happens to me, or what obstacles are going to be thrown at me-- but I can control how I react to them, and what I do with the situations I find myself in. So I'm gonna do that-- control what I can, and find a way to be happy and at peace with what I've got....