Like usual, I made an abrupt and last minute decision concerning my competition plans. I will be competing in Northern Nevada's Strongest Man on August 13, 2016 in order to qualify for Master's Nationals in Vegas at the Olympia on September 16. In short, I changed my direction because of my love for grip and as a long time advocate to see the return to more grip inclusion in strongman. Northern Nevada's Strongest has max distance farmers and Master's Nats has an awesome farmer's type medley and frame hold for time. The events were calling me. In short, I am in love.

From July 5, 2016

The quick and dirty learning curve on the Circus DB has started. My goal was to just get the hang of things. This close to the comp, the best I will do is become semi proficient on this event. I also have some stability to improve and my left wrist is causing all sorts of crazy on nearly everything I do. Wraps help but I have a feeling I got into this position because of the frequent use of wraps. I am trying to minimize their use as much as possible.

Overall I am having serious issues with my pressing. I will do a separate log post to address what I am doing to get my press back under control. It's been interesting and helpful so far.

Circus DB

35, 3x5 (both)
55, 1x3 (both)
75, 1x1 (left)
75, 1x0 (right)

Axle Clean & Press

95, 2x5
115, 1x5
145, 1x1
165, 1x1

This is where things break rack position, no support, no shoulder mobility to hold the weight in an appropriate position to begin with. The strength is for sure there, the different pieces have all broken off and gone haywire.


COC 2 - 3x3