2016 has been a productive strongman season returning back to the sport. In June I took third place in the Open SHWW with United States Strongman. In September I won the HWW America's Strongest Master with Strongman Corporation. I would like to continue to make improvements and push my performance considerably for next year.
As of right now, I have no competition plans until next year. I am not sure what they will be but am using this down time to address some weaknesses, particularly 12" log and circus DB. Grip training will return as well.
From 12/19
Planks - 3x 30 seconds
Axle C&P
bar, 3x5
135, 1x5
145, 2x5
155, 5x5
Circus DB
Continuing to address technique. The jump and dropping under are the main areas that continue to be the issue.