I had a little pec strain a month or so ago and have only benched twice, both times with a knock off shoulder saver that sucks. So, I just bought the red Elitefts shoulder saver pad and will just keep it in my gym bag. It really does make a big difference.

Shoulder Saver Bench Press:
225x10 x 2 sets
275x5 x 2 sets
315x5 x 2 sets
365x5 x 2 sets

225 x 20 close grip

Accessory work:
Dumbbell Press at a slight incline
80sx10, 90sx10, 100sx10

Chest Supported Cambered Bar rows 4x20
Seated Cable Rows 4x20
Cable Tri Pushdowns 4x20
Machine Tri overhead Extension 4x20