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Question: "I'm lifting to build everyday strength (not competitive) so I don't use a belt (since I can't use one in my everyday work). How can I train lifts like the squat and Deadlift safely without a belt?"
Answers from Team EliteFTS:
Matt Ladewski: "I wouldn't change much of anything other than more overall torso work. Do both very high and low reps."
Joe Schillero: "Also make sure you know how to use your abs correctly to create intra-abdominal pressure (basically lock everything tight and neutral) to protect your back."
Brandon Smitley: "The easiest answer of all time..gain weight 🙂
But seriously, your training shouldn't really be any different. You'll need more trunk stabilization work and hypertrophy to thicken the waist up, but as for the main lifts themselves, it shouldn't really change."
Thomas Deebel: "I use a belt at certain levels that work out to app 60-70% of my max, roughly . As my strength with the belt climbed , so did my raw lift.
You got some good advice here from the guys, but I'll just add that using a belt won't affect you negatively in your day to day duties."
More from Joe Schillero:
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