We get some great questions on our free Q&A, and the diverse answers from our panel of coaches, columnists, and sponsored lifters provide some great insight (for myself included) on training, programming, injuries, nutrition, and more..
Here is a good question regarding Dynamic Effort Work from earlier in the week:
"Are dynamic effort days required for an intermediate natural lifter? When I put the percentages in usually around the 50-60 % for 10 sets of 2 reps it doesn't feel like I am working that hard unless I shorten the rest right down to about 30 seconds. I try to be as explosive as possible but would I be better focusing on higher percentage work.? Currently train each lift twice a week one max effort one dynamic effort."
Answers from Team EliteFTS:
Scott Yard: "I prefer the CAT method made popular by Josh Bryant. The percents are in the 70-85% Range. I like 4x3,3x3 and 3x2. As the weight grows. I have see. Cat work take a novice bench from 250-300 in a year. It's helps all ranges of lifters."
Matt Ladewski: "If you are using straight weight without accomodating resistance push the percents to 70-80%.
Do 12 sets and rest 30-45 seconds is fine.
For myself with DE upper I didn't feel like I got much out of it at first until I got stronger but kept the weights for DE work the same. My speed bench was 135 with a mini band when I benched low 300's raw and now of 400 raw I use 155-175 and a mini band. Keep working on pushing explosively.
Run the heavier percents a few cycles and let us know how it goes."
Brandon Smitley: "If you are using straight weight, you certainly need to probably increase your percentages a bit to the 70-80% range like everyone else mentioned. Keep the rest short like you are, and really focus on good technical execution. I believe that for intermediate lifters, that this where good technique is built, as the weights are heavy enough to force you to take them seriously, but light enough that you should not have any technical breakdowns. You also don't HAVE to do doubles. You can play around with triples and 5's if you want. Just make sure your total reps are in the 18-30 ball park range (moreso in the 24 if possible). Be patient, as it might not feel like it's having a profound effect, but if you pull it out you might see a decrease."
Joe Schillero: "Also keep in mind that the percentages are a guideline and will vary depending on you as a lifter - The important thing is that you're working technique and moving explosively."
More from Joe Schillero:
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