Why rack pulls?

You can use this deadlift variation for multiple reasons. Hip hinge, overload, or just saving your hips from pulling sumo every so often. Typically, rack pulls are below the knee. In this case, Goggins had me pull slightly above the knee. This is where you really need to engage your glutes and lock out every rep, pull your lats in your back pocket and learn how to brace properly. Just o give you perspective, I've pulled 375lb x 3, so repping 370 off pins is not an ego thing. It's relatively easy. Usually, guys at the gym put 100's and think they are good deadlifters. This is not the case.

Rack pulls slightly above the knee 135x5, 185x5,,225x3, 275x3, 325x3, 370x3x3, Speed pulls off the floor convention 240x1x5sets, 30-45sec rest in between each set

Bench pause 130x5x4sets, Band pull aparts 3x25, Rotator cuff cleans 3x15
