Sunday was a rack pull from pin 2.
Since I'm still protecting my back as best I can, I did these with a sumo stance which its me stay more upright and avoid excessive flexion.
Warmed up, and started with a135
135 x 5
225 x 1
315 x 1
405 x 1
495 x 1
565 x 1
600 x 1
630 miss
The 600 was a little tough to get off the pins, but moved fast once I got it going. The 630 might as well have been welded to the pin, lol. I was pissed about the miss, but the 600 is actually pretty good for me right now. Deadlift keeps moving.
After the pulling, I did 4 sets of 10 glute ham raises, 4 sets of 15 incline setups and 4 sets of 15 dumbbell side bends.