Currently Testing Raw Lifts Before Starting Program Next Week

Saturday was the first day of doing singles to see where my raw lifts are before starting my new training next week (so I know what to base percentages off of). I'm not worried about hitting PRs or going nuts this week, just in seeing where I'm at to evaluate things moving forward. I worked up to 600lbs on deadlift and despite dropping my hips a little too far and pitching forward it was a pretty easy pull. I debated going a little heavier but stuck there, the risk vs reward of grinding through heavy lifts right now for no reason isn't worth it (for my hip injury and just in general). 

After assistance work I went and did some farmer's walks out in the parking lot, and they were more challenging than I would've thought! I was gassed after each carry, and these will be a good thing to rotate in on the weekends (and my traps are destroyed now, even a few days later)..


*500 meters on rower

*3 sets of mace swings with ShouldeRok

*Couple short trips back and forth of:

a. Toe touch to leg swings

b. Lunges

c. Hip flexor stretch/Spiderman crawl

Strength Work:

A*. Kettlebell Swings - 3x5

B. Deadlifts - up to 600x1


C. SSB Pause Front Squats - 3x5

D. Reverse Hypers - 4x15


*Farmer's Walks (175lbs per hand) - 5 trips


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