Got a couple of raw days in this week, to try and gain some muscle and raw strength before I start training for a November meet. I will leave these mid-week sessions in for the duration of my meet prep.
Thursday was a raw squat session at the commercial gym down the street. It wasn't anything heavy, I just worked up to 365 for 3 sets of 5 with just my belt. The weight was easy, but holy crap it made me sore, lol. Finished with 4 sets of 15 back extensions and a bunch of crunches on one of the dopey crunch machines.
Friday I did some close grip bench (finger at the smooth) benching with my strength class. Pretty much the same deal as the squat. Took a latish weight (275) for 3 sets of 5) then some light assistance work.
Not exactly setting the world on fire with these sessions, but over time, they will help get my bodyweight and conditioning up to where it needs to be to put a good total together.