The Duffalo bar is humbling as hell and wears me out when implemented for the bench. Needed to drop the weight again today cause I got a little a head of myself. Secondary movement killed me with Spotto presses, the clip in the video is actually the only one that went well. I thought I recorded my failing set but apparently did not press play. The bench press is moving, just got to keep a mindset on 5lb PR's moving from #PovertyBench to #PoorBench.
Duffalo Bench (3’s pause) 5x5: 290
Spotto Press (3’s pause) 4x8: 265-265-245-245(fail)
A1) 1 Arm Dead Stop Rows (3’s Hold) 2x8: 50-60
A2) DB Floor Press with Pause top and bottom 2x8: 80
B1) DB Hammer Curls (Slow Eccentric) 2x8: 30
B2) Cable Tricep Ext. 2x15: 80-100