6 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic
Tuesday for rep week on max effort squat/deadlift, we did SSB low box squats with a narrower stance. This movement isn't an ideal box squat technique like I would use on my dynamic effort days, but it works really well to build deadlift strength from a not-so-ideal position.
400x5 was a pretty decent number for the day. I followed this with some work to target hip and glute strength to help deadlift further.
A. ShouldeRok Swings - 3x12
B. Band Ab Pulldowns - 3x12
C. SSB Low Box Squats in Metal Ace Briefs - Sets of 5 up to 400x5
D. Pin Pulls below the knee - 2x5, 1x8 w/ 405lbs
E. GHR- 3x10
F. Hanging Leg Raises - 3x10
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