7 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

Tuesday I drove up to the Compound to do my 2nd of 3 weeks (spread out over the course of the training cycle) of squatting into chains in my full gear - The first week I worked up to 780lbs about 1 inch or so above parallel with no wraps; and my hope was to drop the chains to below parallel and work up to a similar weight. Right off the bat I was having a lot of issues setting up and staying tight, and felt burnt out after just a few warm-up sets. I know that I need to manage my stress, time, and sleep better and this is all affecting my training quite a bit. I'm going into all my training sessions lately feeling burnt out, and I know I need to get things straightened out.

I got up to 690lbs and then kept having issues staying balanced with 740lbs, and after missing a few times finally ended up getting it to a chain link higher. The whole session was discouraging, but it's up to me to find the issues and fix them. 

A. Standing Pull-Down Ab Warmup - 3x15

B. ShouldeRok Swings - 3x12 each side

C. Squats into Chains in Metal Jack Squatter - Singles up to 690lbs


..Normally I would do more assistance work on these days, but I had a meeting I had to get to.

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