I, me, JP Carroll, will be the first to admit I get heated over the dumbest shit in powerlifting. If you've read anything I've written you're completely aware of this but I've been thinking, what's the point? Is my voice so impactful and so substantial that it will be the catalyst to a sudden shift in the things I deem wrong?
Let’s be real, not a chance in hell. People read what I write for entertainment not because I actually have a point… All though it feels great to lumber up on my mostly steel soap box and let it all out. I feel my words fall on deaf ears, so, for now, I’ve decided to back off and spend more time observing the big picture.
So much Drama (in the LBC, if you didn't get that I'm sorry). Seriously though whether it is; Federation, Raw, Geared, Walkout, Monolift, or even style of apparel (yes the finger is pointing at me). It seems everyone believes that their position is set in stone, 100%, the only option. So here's my proposal to everyone who's got the heart to get under a loaded bar, risking life and limb. Shut the fuck up and train.
With the "witches brew" of socially dysfunctional personalities, drugs, and egos, we've been getting further away from what's important, bigger numbers. There is just so much shit talk after each, and every meet and quite frankly its a piss poor justification for why someone did better than themselves.
Just to reiterate before someone decides to point out I'm guilty of most of what's written here, I am not hiding the fact that I am guilty. Seriously though why not just all put our heads down, train hard, eat good, sleep good, and at the end of 2017 see who's got the biggest number. That is the primary objective to this after all isn't it?
The bigger number has a mightier voice than any opinion anyone could muster up on social media. I'm tired of wasted energy, "play stupid games win stupid prizes." Trying to change people is an endless battle, do as you please, but let me do as I want in return, like shutting my mouth and training. #elitefts #5thset #sssb