First thing's first...I want to say how proud I am of my training partners. They've all come a long way, in many different respects, and they're numbers, technique, and confidence show that.
Paul, Jon, and myself drove down Saturday morning (only about an hour and a half drive). We showed up an hour before the scheduled start and like most powerlifting meets they pushed it back. So we sat around and BS'd and kept the guys loose.
Brian went in the first flight. Last training cycle Brian's squat was scary. Every time he got under the bar we didn't know what to expect and his technique was all over the place. We started over, working from the ground up on his squats and deads, and it showed. He hit a 20# squat PR.
Joe, John and Hamer were all in the second flight (only 30 lifters in the meet over 2 flights). Joe and John both went 3/3. On both of their second attempts they hesitated in the bottom but came back confident on their thirds and Joe crushed a 10# PR and John a 30# PR- both with plenty left in the tank. And then the Anchor, Todd Hamer, hit 570 on his second for a 10# PR (I think). Going into his third attempt I reminded him that the team was 11/11 so far in the meet (because I'm an asshole to him like that). Naturally he missed his third attempt, but in all seriousness his technique was really solid and much improved over past meets.
My guys suck at benching like I suck at deadlifting. Nobody hit a PR. Joe hit about 50# under what he's capable of. In his defense the bench was a little more slippery than what we're used to and I could see him sliding on his second and third attempts (which both went up but one he came down before finishing it and the other his butt came up). John was coming back from a pec tear and hit an easy 265. Brian hit 275 and managed to stay healthy after battling some shoulder problems. And Hamer went 400 and missed his second and third (I think- I keep saying I think for Hamer because I don't have his numbers written down. He's AWOL most of the time anyway).
Back to PR city. Joe smoked 560 for a 30# PR and he had at least 20# left in the tank. He actually looked over at us with a "WTF?" look after putting the bar down. John hit an easy 630 for a 15# PR. Brian hit 550 for a 5# PR. His technique is not so good as the weight gets heavy. In fact it's really horrendous and when he reads this he's going to be mad at me. We'll have to start over again with his deadlift but he worked through it last time and came out better on the other side. Hamer pulled 550-570? and went 3/3 in the dead which is unheard of for him. His pulls looked really solid and his technique was on point.
So in all my guys hit 110# worth of PRs (not including Hamer because I don't do his programming). It's easy because these guys bust their asses and listen (except for John, it takes three times before he listens to anything). But really I couldn't be happier for these guys and I'm fortunate to have them to help me along in my journey as well.
Selfish plug:
If anyone that reads my training log is interested in programming, please email me at or find me on Facebook. I'd be happy to take on a few more clients.