Because of my current circumstances:
A) Torn rotator cuff
B) Colon/Liver concerns
my training is taking a back seat, because my recovery sucks at the moment as well.
I did you shoulder mobility warm up which I will post at some point- Thoracic openers, windmills, pe stretch, lat stretch (on bench), scap angels, crab stretch.
Box jumps 42" for 8 singles with 30 sec rest- focusing on trying to be explosive, quality over quantity
Still an athlete of sorts...
Then some Dorian Yates style training after listening to him on the Tim Ferris podcast:
Leg ext 3x10 working up to a 'max' set of 240x10 (our leg ext maxes there so I'll need to add reps to this each week)
Leg press 4-6-8 plates x10 x 120 sec rest
SSB 1-1/4 squats 315x5x2 sets
Backwards sled 6 plates x6 trips 40 sec rest