Marshall was in town to help two of his training partners at Swede's meet which was about 30 minutes from our gym. Yessie and I ran out to the meet on Saturday to see a little bit of it and just shoot the shit in between Marshall handling his guys. On Sunday, they came down to UF to train and it was a great opportunity for me to be coached by a friend.
Duffalo bar squats 645 2x3, added briefs to be like the cool kids for one set of 5
Sumo DL 500 for singles working on technique
Marshall's set up and loading are a bit different from mine. He sets his hips then uses the weight to wedge or arch his upper body into place. I like the feeling of it, but it will take some time to master and make my own.
Leg press against orange bands, 4 plates, 5x10
GHR GM SSB 95# 3x20
Backwards sled 4 plates x 3 trips
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