I want to know if people prefer more of a weekly training update or daily? That's not to say I would only post once a week if I was doing a weekly log update. I would still do Operation Be Less Fat updates along with entries on training tips, advice, or just plain old stories. I just sometimes feel like putting up an entry with five sets of squats and two assistance exercises can be a little dry if I have nothing to say that day.

Also, this allows people to see an entire snapshot of a week's training. So please either let me know down on the bottom of this entry if you can figure it out or post it up on my facebook page, or twitter feed. Thanks.

Here's the rest of last week's training that had not been posted yet.


1 hr of stand up paddle boarding

Airdyne 30 minutes

PM Bench 295/335/375x5
CAT bench 295 3x5
Close grip shoulder saver bench *rest pause 405x4x0 (triceps were fried)
Underhand pushdowns *rest pause 40x15x5x4

Trap bar dl 240/280/315x5, 240x15
*Band assisted pullups, I did 5 reps between each set of deadlift for 35 total
Fat bar pulldowns to sternum (D Rows) 90/110/130/135/140x10
Curls 35/55/60/65x5
Standing barbell wrist curls 1x25

PM 22 minutes treadmill, run/walk

Physio ball back raise 5x11
Physio ball rev hyper 5x11
Front plank 3x30 seconds
Alt side planks 3x30 seconds
Airdyne 30 minutes

So there's the rest of last week's training. Honestly, I'm feeling pretty weak. I don't know if it's all the traveling I have been doing. Maybe it's because my nutrition was off as it was my birthday week. I did not go crazy, but eating was not up to my usual high standards. Perhaps I am not sleeping or recovering enough. It could also be too much training and conditioning now that I am going pretty much 7 days a week, but it's not like I'm doing Iron Man competitions. Or lastly, could be good old father time. At some point age might be a factor in my strength curve.

Now that I am aware of just feeling a little off in the strength department, I can try and figure it out. I will keep you updated of course.

OK, so again, please leave a comment below, on my facebook page, or twitter feed regarding entries. Should they be daily training updates or more of a weekly version kind of like above. Thanks.