So training session #3 in my Metal single ply Bash Bencher and I hit a pretty smooth 705. I was happy with my patience and took a couple cues from some IG friends.
One big tip that's help me with new shirts is wetting them down really well before putting them on. I soaked this one 😉
Working up looked like this:
145-235-325x5, 415x1
Add shirt
505-595-645-705 singles (only touched 705)
So had I been able to compete (details to follow), I would have gone: first attempt raw 500, second attempt old shirt 600, third attempt new shirt 700. It makes sense in my head as a limited experience single ply lifter. Some more experienced guys may do it completely differently, but those were three 'attempts' that I felt comfortable with and that would have made the 'easiest' path to 700.
Floor press against 3 chains (fat bar) 325x6x3 sets with a close grip
Fatbell incline tempo 44# x10 reps
Fatbell lying tricep ext 3x20
Band pull aparts 3x20
Seated shrugs with a forward lean 3x15