Shoulders core and cardio

I went onto the ymca today to make up for Thursdays squat and pull day. I not 100% sure of my meet plans yet. I'm either full power or bench only at this point. The one squat rack at the y had a line and I had 45 minutes. I opted to do a full shoulder workout instead. I haven't done one in years and if I'm going to bench a pr in July my shoulders need some extra love. I banged out the shoulder work in 15 minutes. I was moving! Hit core in 5 minutes and treadmill for 25. Very productive 45 minutes. I enjoyed today. If I do go bench only I will have a separate shoulder day.

Seated machine press

4 sets of 10 up to stack
Stack for two sets of 12

Standing 1 arm Side cable raise

3 sets of 10

Face pulls with single handle with hands together.

3 sets of 12

Reverse peck deck

3 sets of 10 up to stack.

Stir the pots

3x10 over 45 seconds


25 miles at 3.5 speed


Good work out.