Sunday was a squat day, and one that I've been looking forward to all month. I decided a while back that I would downgrade somewhat to the original Metal Pro suit and briefs (as opposed to the Jack) because I thought a little less stopping power might help me dial my technique back in. Last time, I worked up to 710 in my new gear and it was kind of a mess. Here's how it went this time:

Bar (60) x a bunch

160 x 5

270 x 5

350 x 1

Added brief

440 x 1

530 x 1

Added suit bottoms

620 x 1

Straps & wraps

710 x 1

760 x 1

800 reverse light band x 1

As you can see, I was a little loose out of the bottom on both the 760 and 800, but I was able to save the lifts. Obviously my torso strength still needs to improve, but my hip strength is getting to where it needs to be.

Overall I was pretty psyched with this. Both the 760 and 800 are more than I've had on my back in over a year, and all things considered, they didn't feel all that bad. I'm lying of course, the 800 felt heavy as f*ck, but there's still time to get stronger.

Finished with 4 sets of 15 back extensions holding a 25lb plate, 4 sets of good girl/bad girls, and 4 sets of 15 cable pulldowns.

Getting there...