This weekend my plan was to take a heavier squat and do shirted bench work. I'm rotating heavy squat and bench work every 3rd week. This plan seems to allow recover while maintaining strength gains.


Saturday 09.07.19

box squats - box above parallel

worked up to 420 doing triples raw

put on Metal Ace briefs

worked up to 600 doing doubles

worked up to 830 doing singles

added reverse light band for a single at 900 and a single at 930



bodyweight for 4 sets of 10 reps


Sunday 09.08.19


worked up to 315 doing doubles raw

put on Metal Ace bench shirt

405 for a triple did not touch

495 for a triple to a 3 board

545 for a double to a board

605 missed off a 3 board

545 for a single off a 2 board

While I was very happy with the squats you can see benching was a mess. In my last shirted bench session, the sleeve of my bench shirt tore out. It was my ole reliable shirt and for me a perfect shirt. I don't have another one of the same size and couldn't get one for today. My bench confidence has always been low and losing my shirt and now this shit session arent helping. A new shirt has been ordered and we also identified I need lockout work and to increase my upper back strength.


chest supported barbell rows

225 for 5 sets of 8 reps


standing military press with angle bar

135 for 2 sets of 15 reps


batteling ropes

2 sets of various movements
