It’s my back. Why, what did you think I was talking about? So the only time my back has been having real issues this past week is while I’m arching to bench. It’s an odd sensation. It feels kind of numb and or tingly, not crazy sharp pain. Rhodes tends to think it’s some kind of nerve thing. So be it. I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing to make it better.

Presently, the McGill Big 3 is paying the best dividends. That means for me, a sneeze does not nearly cripple me. Nor does bumping into something ring my core like a painful tuning fork. For longer than I can remember just getting up from bed was pretty painful. Progress is being made.

Another indicator that my back is improving is that my masseuse can actually notice a difference. She said to me just the other night “Your back is feeling much better.” She said “Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.” That made me also realize, deep tissue has been a part of my recovery. I have been getting deep tissue consistently for five weeks. I cannot discount that, so I will be keeping that in my program weekly at least until my meet.

Conditioning has been the usual hamster wheel. I have been recording Rules of Engagement on the dvr and watching that. It’s a really goofy sitcom that I love for some reason. Jessica keeps telling me nobody has as much fun on the treadmill than I have. The treadmill is in the basement and she heard me laughing while she was outside at the mailbox. What can I say, simple things for simple minds.

Treadmill 45 minutes, hr 110
McGill big 3 - 2x
Deep tissue massage 1 hr

Treadmill 45 minutes, hr 115
McGill big 3 - 2x

Treadmill 45 minutes, hr 115
McGill big 3 - 2x