So this year has been a interesting year on the platform. I had an awesome 2014. I hit an all time pr raw squat of 700 and an all time pr raw bench of 525, a sumo raw pr of 740 and a raw belt only total of 1925.  I won the usapl American open and set a new raw usapl bench record of 502 at that meet.  I started 2015 with big hopes.  In April I did a meet and went 705 for another all time raw with out wraps pr but came up short with any bench, pull or total prs. In July I hit the platform again. I squatted another all time raw with out wraps pr of 710. I again though fell short of any other prs.  In august i decided to do usapl raw bench nationals. I cut to 264 and came in third. I was happy to medal but did not hit a pr as I hoped.  I finished the year with usapl raw nationals in October. I went 264 again and left the meet with out one pr nor did I get to the podium. This was a first for me ever. I am still scratching my head over that one.

The meet was last month and man am I screwed up. My elbows, shoulders, and legs are hurting every day. My motivation is high but it's waining when squatting 225 as a warm up hurts.  I think the answer is clear. I need to take some time off from squatting.   Squating is killing me right now. I can't hold the bar due to my elbows and I can't hit depth with out aggravating something in my leg. I am going to focus on my bench and pull and let my legs heal. I am going to look into graston and art to get my quads fixed.  I am hopeful for a April-June meet in 2016.