Why did the term "sore loser" become such a negative representation of getting pissed off for failing. I feel that this was the catalyst for the participation trophy era.

In my opinion yes OPINION before one of you weirdo's tries to counter MY shit with some half ass missed spelled crybaby bullshit about sportsmanship remember were all entitled to our opinion.

I'll use a powerlifting meet for an example since that's what most of you who are reading this will be able to relate to. How the hell am I supposed to accept losing after months on tops of months of training? Let alone the chemical beating I'll hand my body, mixed with the aches and pain's and spending more time at the gym than home, that alone should be a great motivator to go all in. If giving it everything you had that day wasn't enough, in my eyes, that's a justifiable reason to be pissed off.

I don't wanna hear all the cliche bullshit either, "well you tried" or "it's their next time" and whatever else people like to say to losers. I feel like you should get heated, get mad as hell that you failed. That should, in turn, make you work harder, or at least that's how I was brought up.

Why is it so wrong to say "that wasn't good enough." No way these days the losers get as much praise, if not more than the winner, and that's terrible. Hey, you suck at life but don't worry you don't have to try hard you're just as good and rewarded as a winner. Here's your trophy take your pic get your likes and have a great day.

I hate that, IDGAF if I'm playing tic tac toe I want to win, and if I don't, I'm probably going to crumple up the paper and throw that shit. I think It is terrible that soon as someone fails they're expected to keep cool and proceed as such.  Moral of the story if someone beats you at anything not just in your sport of choice get pissed off, use that as fuel to work harder. Losing sucks why would we teach people that it's ok? Maybe I'm just insane, well I mean that's a whole other log. #elitefts #5thset #fyfm #brandnew #Imnotarolemodel