In the past I was doing 10x2 or 8x3 on my speed bench days. I really don't think that was enough volume for me. So, I upped my reps to 5's.
Bench Vs Mini Bands doubled over, with the red shoulder saver
I warmed up with 4 or 5 sets with band pull aparts and face pulls in between sets.
205 3x5
225 2x5
245 2x5
275 2x5
Close grip ( still w bands and shoulder saver)
3x15 @185 lbs - I really like the shoulder saver and band combo on close grip as a triceps accessory movement.
Accessory work:
Dumbbell incline press 3x25 @75 lbs
DB Tri Rollbacks 3x10
Band Tri pushdowns 3x30
100 total band pull a parts