*3 Weeks Out from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic*

After a few weeks of speed bench in the slingshot vs chains, I transitioned to doing a regular close grip (sans slingshot) vs chains and doubled mini bands to put the majority of tension at the top of the bench, I kept the weight light and the focus was to move fast and get some "pop" off the chest. Things are moving along..

Notes for Improvement: Keep shoulders retracted, heels down.

Last Week's Training: Speed Bench in Metal Catapult

Next Week's Training: Speed Bench vs. Mini Bands & Chains Wk 2

Warm-Up/Recovery from Squat Training: Standing Ab Pull-Downs & Sled Drags

A. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown - 4x10

B. Bench vs Doubled Mini Band & 4 Chains - 6x3 w/ 155lbs


C1. Ultra Wide Grip Bench - 4x20 w/ 135lbs

C2. Wide Grip Chins - 4x12

D1. Front Dumbbell Shrug/Shoulder Raise - 4x10

D2. Incline Dumbbell Tate Press - 4x15

E1. One-Arm Dumbbell Row - 3x12

E2. Tricep Cable Pushdowns - 3x20

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