Got to shoot the shit with Dave again. As we were talking, I took a few things from what he said, as always. He noticed that I would critique my lifts after almost every set and said that's probably not the best idea. When you look at your training videos, you tend to look at what's wrong rather than what's right. His advice was to film a few sets you can look back on (meaning after you've trained) and then just fucking train. We always have little things to work on but you can't just fix them overnight. Just. Fucking. Train.
Speed Bench against bands @ 65%
Bar x 2 x 10
65lbs x 8
75lbs x 8
85lbs x 3
95lbs x 3
105lbs x 3
115lbs x 3
125lbs x 8 x 3
Strict Axel Presses @ 80%
Bar x 10
45lbs x 5
65lbs x 5
75lbs x 5
85lbs x 2 x 5
95lbs x 2 x 5
Overhead tricep ext x tricep push downs - 3 x 20 each
Iso low rows x stiff arms - 3 x 20 each
Deltoid raises - 3 x 15