Just finished week 2 of Last week a 3 week wave of speed pulls vs heavy bands. Last week my main working sets were 315 +bands, this week 365, next week 405. My goal is to keep the bar speed as close as possible to the first week of 315 bar weight. Typically, I will pull 1 or 2 heaving singles vs the bands after my 5x1 working sets.
Deadlift vs elitefts Pro Strong Bands
365x1 x 5 sets
I was feeling pretty good tonight and I could tell warming up that the 365 would be no problem. The 415 and 455 also felt really well.
Accessory work:
Hammer Strength Iso Lat pulldown - under hand grip 3x20
Shrugs - 3x20
Next week I will pull with the same band tension 405 for 5 sets of 1. My raw DL PR is 750, and I pulled 777 equipped a couple months ago, obviously, I'd love to hit a PR in September.