I went a little bit heavier that I typically would have for these, but I definitely needed it and they felt pretty good.
Straight bar - straight weight, no bands or chains.
I worked hit a pretty decent amount of warm ups and am working on a few things. The biggest 2: 1 - bringing my hands in to keep more tension in my upper body. 2- slowing down my eccentric portion of the movement to stay tighter out of the hole and not try to bounce for rebound.
My working sets were all between 385 - 415. I hit 10x2 at those weights with 90 seconds or less rest between sets.
I'm not in that great of shape, so I was pretty warn down by the end.
I took a 5 minute break or so and hit 3 singles at 455. I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable with the small changes we're making in my squat.
Accessory work:
Glute ham 3x10
Standing abs 3x20
Before the accessory work I could already feel my legs tightening up and I could tell I was going to be sore.