My last competition was XPC Finals at the Arnold Classic in March. I'm currently adapting my training to some hip joint problems and plan on competing in a raw meet in the Fall.  I am currently using a linear waved setup for my training - using Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 percentages for my main lifts, with adjustments made based on what I've seen work for well for me (auto-regulating work up and down sets), and programming my supplemental and assistance work into 4 week blocks to address weaknesses.
Squat has been slowly improving, and I was happy to hit a smooth 455lbs with no wraps after doing my AMRAP set and additional singles. Adjusting my technique and avoiding additional hip pain has been a challenge but things are moving in the right direction!
Warm Up (about 10 mins):

*500 meters on rower

*PRI Breathing Drill - 2 sets of 5 breaths

*ShouldeRok Swings - 2 sets of 15 swings per side

*Dynamic Warm-Up - Toe touches to leg swings, lunge to hip flexor stretch, and spiderman hip stretch.

Strength Work:

A*Dynamic Work: Kettlebell Swings - 3x5

A2* Dynamic Work: Box Jumps - 3x5

B. Squat




360x11 (5+ set) (rep PR)

C. Down Sets (Paused, beltless, w/ band around knees) - 3x5 w/ 275lbs

C1. GHR - 3x10

C2. Ab Wheel - 3x10

**Conditioning/Recovery Work was done via Prowler pushes the next day.

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