There is a master plan brewing right now. There have been some changes and more are coming. The plan will cover competition plans, nutrition and training. I am just not ready to talk about it just yet until everything is plugged in and ready to go.


Warm Up

SquatGuide - 3x5

SSB Box Squats
bar - 3x5
105 - 1x5
130 - 1x5
155 - 1x5
185 - 1x3
210 - 1x3
230 - 1x3

Good Mornings
185 - 3x8

Prowler - 3x100 ft

Grippers - (T) 3x10

Putting in the time and making big mental progress. A big indicator that has changed is I am getting excited to train again. My love for training is starting to return and is just feeling more natural and enjoyable. This shift has been long overdue and it makes me excited.