Back in the mono, again

Started off the night with the usual bracing per the usual pre-warmup routine.


Bar 2 sets of 10 (hard time getting under bar after bench)

145- 8

235- 6





Working sets

640 for four sets of doubles

Fifth set  

I got ten reps these felt like dog shit, more like absolute dogshit to be more articulate.


Front squat's

405 for three triples

Barbell rows for two consecutive sets of 12 with 275 lbs.

Heavy dumbell rows to lower chest 1 set of 15 with 100 pounds.

Heavy barbell shrugs two progressive sets of 15 with 275 pounds.

Finished with five sets of 10 calf raises

I'm like 30 weeks out from even thinking about a meet, Still making the transition from Godzilla to Tinkerbell so until al that balances out I'm just hitting it like I am supposed to.

#elitefts #5thset #fyfm