Building, building, building.....
After some distractions that forced me away from my training, I am so pleased to be back to the gym and focusing on rebuilding and shattering some very specific grip goals in late January 2016. I am eager to rebuild and continue moving forward with competing, being a business owner and enjoying the off season for my minions while they get back into the gym, work with their coaches and make every training day count.
Gripper Warm Up - Guide, 3x10
This all went down on Sunday. On Monday morning, I went to go move a typical, empty classroom garbage can. It slipped right out of my pinch grip when I was picking it up. Stuff like that doesn’t happen to me, but this time it did. I see that as a positive, my grip is being worked HARD! And I love every second of it.
SSB Box Squat
Bar - 3x5
135, 1x5
155, 1x5
185, 1x5
225, 1x5
245, 1x5
275, 1x5
SSB Good Mornings
175, 3x5
Grippers - 10x1
The rules here are when I close a gripper, I move up to the next higher one. If I miss on a higher one, I drop down. I can miss on heavier grippers twice and finish with lighter singles.
106 RGC Rating (COC 2), 2 second hold
107.5 RGC Rating (COC 2), 2 second hold
110 RGC Rating (cant remember gripper type), 2 second hold
This is where bad judgment crept in and went for a 134 RGC (COC 2.5) and missed. I had no business doing that, sometimes I just like heavy stuff. So back down to where I should have been.
114 RGC Rating (can’t remember gripper type), 2 second hold
125.8 RGC Rating (can’t remember gripper type), miss
114 RGC Rating (can’t remember gripper type), miss
106 RGC Rating (COC 2), 2 second hold
110 RGC Rating (can’t remember gripper type), miss
Filed Gripper
If you are not familiar with a filed gripper, look carefully at the header image. You can see one of the handles has been filed down at the base. The implications of this is important. What that does is increase the distance required to close the gripper and to close the handles deeper than the normal range.
Filed COC 2 - hold for three seconds, not complete close
Filed COC 2 - hold for one second, not complete close
Filed COC 2 - miss, completely fried
Rolling Thunder
114 lbs x 2, 4 count hold on last rep
114 lbs x 2, 5 count hold on last rep
114 lbs x 2, 3 count hold on last rep
114 lbs x2, 3 count hold on last rep
114 lbs x2, 3 count hold on last rep
Rubber Bands
10 extensions
10 double extensions
10 extensions with rotations
Stretching Battery
Here is the full picture of the gripper shown in the header. My apologies for a lack of more savvy resizing skills.