Hit the squats and deadlifts today for the first time since the meet.  I felt pretty good and decided to jump back into things. I didn't go full tilt but I didn't walk through the night either.


Elitefts yoke bar squat with close stance.

Bar for 10

185 for 3 sets of 5

265 for 5

355 for 5

445 for 3

535 for 1

the close stance is a tough spot for me and it was good to work the quads.  My next full meet will be USAPL raw nationals  in October so i made sure to go mega deep.

Deficit sumo deadlift

245 for 3

335 for 3

425 for 3

515 for 3

605 for 1

these were tough. The deficit made the hamstrings work hard and from the get go.

pauloff holds

3 sets of 10 seconds each side

incline bench sit-ups against bands

3 sets of 15-20


good first one back. I'll stick with this simple format through bench nationals.  The yoke bar and deficits are a god change up.