Squat / pull day with video

Tonight was week three of the first mini cycle of the meet prep. Things went well and I'm getting some comfort in the lifts again.


135 for 10
225 for 3
315 for 3
405 for 3
495 for 3
550 for a high set of 8. Being that this is my 3 squat workout since 7 weeks it appears my depth perception is a little off. Actually it's way off lol. These were much higher then I thought but the bar felt great on my back tonight.

Conventional deadlift

225 for 3
325 for 3
405 for
495 for 3
585 for 3

No 8 rep sets in the DL tonight. I have a plan for my deadlift this cycle and it is more centered on what I won't do vs what I will. Looking back at all my best full meet pulls I did things very similar. I never pulled every week, I did touch and go reps, and I did light speed work for singles. I am going to go back to my old way and maybe get my pull back to 755 like it was.

Close stance elitefts yoke bar paused squats

175 for 3
265 for 3
355 for 3
455 for 3

Bent row off the floor

135 for 8
225 for 8
315 for 3 sets of 8

Glute ham raise

2 sets of 10

Knee ext

2 sets of 15


I added in the bent rows from the floor. I was reading a forum and it was mentioned by a few people that some good pullers did this for the DL. Prior to reading this I was thinking about my lat work and the need to do rows. Are reading the thread I made up my mind that this was the way to go. These were good for my lats but also made my hams and low back work too. I need to bring my straps into the gym and pile the weight on. I kept the belt off to work the back. I'm looking forward to benching tomorrow.