Tonight was squat and pull day. I was dragging into the gym but felt good once the pre workout kicked in. Kid number two puked in her bed in the middle of the night and had us up all night. Life!
My leg isn't getting better on its own so I foam rolled and hit mobility work to get going.
Tonight was rest pause reps. Goal was to go 2, 2,2 with 30 seconds rest. After the first double I changed that real fast.
I warmed up to 505 and then started work sets
work sets
615x2, rest 35 seconds, 615x1, then racked the weight rested 2 minutes and did 615x1, rested 35 seconds them did another single with 615.
It didn't go as planned but the work was put in.
Deficit deadlift
video of 550x3
These are so hard. I have enjoyed this mini cycle though with them.
Elitefts yoke bar dead squat with conventional DL stance
Here is an explanation for why I'm doing these.
Step ups
135 x 5
315 x5
video of 315x5
My left leg was screaming during these but it's needed as my right leg is definitely compensating on the squats and that leg will blow soon if I don't balance things up.
Arched back paused gms
135x5 with 5 second pauses in the hole
kettle bell swing tabata
Good workout tonight. I rolled the legs after ward and iced the quad for an hour. Next week is the deload. I have been consistent with the Gpp post workout and it's getting better. I don't sit in the car and cry any more.....